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Some FAQs about mica

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Some FAQs about mica

date:2020-02-12 author: click:

1. Is mica safe? Synthetic mica powder price

Answer: Mica is a mineral ingredient, which is non-toxic and non-irritating, but may contain some heavy metals, but the raw materials used in makeup will have heavy metal index requirements, and the final product also has heavy metal indicators (ppm level), regular products. There is no need to worry too much about heavy metals.

2. Some skin care products feel shiny after applying, is it adding too much?

A: Some whitening and skin-brightening products often add a lot of mica powder, in order to get a brightening effect quickly (this is also light whitening), it may feel that the addition is relatively large. But pay attention to personal usage and conditions, or to your environment. For example, the gloss is obvious under blue light, but the gloss is not obvious under red light. Therefore, there is no glittering problem during the day, but at night, it may feel that the glittering degree will increase under some indoor light sources.


3. Mica can only provide instant brightening effect, wouldn't it be better not to add mica to the product?

A: The effect of instant brightening is also an effect, and makeup products are all instant effects. And consumers have higher and higher requirements for skin care products, requiring instant brightening effect, adding mica powder is also just to meet the needs of consumers. The mica in the shampoo does not have any effect on hair care, but it can make the appearance of the material more beautiful and show higher-end. With or without mica, that is the question. It depends on what the brand thinks and what the opinions of consumers are. Adding too much or adding inappropriately is not a matter of pleasing consumers. I've run into a lot of people talking about their dislike of the bling after using some skincare products - it's mica's fault!



